
Vøra Camping

Vøra Camping og Badeplass ‒ Vøra Camping and Beach ‒ is a family company run by Helge Langbach and his family. The main house by the beach was built in the early 1930s, but Vøra Camping has undergone major upgrades during the last 8 years. From being a site for motorhomes, caravans and tents only, we now have cabins/apartments with 48 beds in total ‒ everything from 1-room apartments to cabins with 3 bedrooms. These all maintain a high level of standard.

We and our staff will do our best to ensure your comfort at Vøra. The reception is in the main building. In the middle of the area, you will find the service building with toilets, showers, handicap room, changing room, washing/drying room, and a communal kitchen. There is also a separate room for emptying toilet cassettes ‒ all modern and of a high standard.

Ved siden av servicebygget ligger plassens lekeplass.  Ved lekeplassen er det også en kiosk – åpen fra ultimo mai til primo august. På stranden har vi en isbar som er åpent på ”Strand dager”. Vøra Camping og Badeplass ligger ca. 9 km fra Sandefjord sentrum – vestvendt ned mot Sandefjordsfjorden. Campingplassen grenser til en av Vestfolds fineste badestrender. Vi ønsker alle hjertelig velkommen til Vøra Camping og badestrand.

We offer accommodation for everyone

Vøra Camping in Sandefjord is open all year round for accommodation in apartments and cabins.